Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Bicycle Improvement

Ben gave me blue pedals as one of my birthday presents for my fixed gear bike. I think they look great with my pink chain. So fun to make personalized improvements!

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Monday, July 26, 2010

Cloth Napkins

I love to use them. They make even "frozen pizza night" special. I think I could make my own if I were to have a sewing machine, which, hopefully I will in near future.

It's the little things...

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New Purchase for Home & Tip

Acer Aspire One 10.1 

  1. I love it
  2. It is FAST
  3. Battery Life is Amazing
  4. It is cute (and blue)
  5. It fits in my purse!
I purchased at Office Depot.  The catch is this:  Target was having a major sale on this item (33% off) and was sold out.  Found out on a review of item that Office Depot will match competitors price on all items as long as there is a physical location of store having sale.  I went to Office Depot, pulled up sale on my iPhone, and was able to get at same sale price. 

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Porch Garden Today

Wandering Jew (salvaged and rooted from this winter).

Wandering Jenny (my new fav to use for hanging baskets this year), last year's dusty miller and thyme, chives.

Sweet bell peppers.

Spearmint, lemon thyme, and aloe.

Delicious cherry tomatoes.


My advice - Water. Lots. Period.

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Blogpress iPhone application

I just downloaded the BlogPress iPhone application, for just $2.99, to help with "on the go" updates. "On the go" is usually my status as well as yourself, I'm sure.

Hopefully this application will allow me to make more frequent posts which will make my sister, Ellen, love me more than she already does (wink wink). I have received quite the wrath for not updating recently...don't mess with a 7 mth preggers in the dead heat of July. Kidding. I just like to reference her pregnancy as much as possible bc she is sooooo adorable right now with Foster Perry in her belly.

This is a test.

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

2216 Middle Street

My old house on Sullivan's Island is now a gift shop. Oh the memories....