Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Cessna 172

This past Friday, Ben cashed in on his Christmas present.  I had given him an introductory flight from the Peachtree DeKalb Flight Academy.  Little did I (or he) know that he was going to be able to FLY the plane.  Flying includes: taxi the plane to runway, take off, and FLY for the whole hour we were in the air.  He had the option of landing the plane, but passed the responsiblitly over to the flight instructor.

We had a wonderful time and it was such a wonderful experience.  Below are a few pictures I took from the back seat...

Goodbye Peachtree DeKalb Airport

Lake Lanier
Lake Lanier Islands
This should look familiar - Stone Mountain - Nice to see from this view, we hiked 5 days prior.
Its my building is dead center!  Midtown

Ready to land...

1 comment:

  1. wow, how did i not hear about THIS?? i can't believe you guys went up in that puddle jumper, i would be too nervous.
