Monday, August 9, 2010

I may or may not..

I may or may not keep my clothes, shoes, and accessories like my mama did, to pull out to my children one day and say, "look what mama wore, I always had my own sense of style."

I may just take a few pics of what I love now in my closet, jewlery box, and drawers to show my kids of what my style is/was at 28 so I can remember and have proof I was cool (or at least my mind I was).

Okay, so I may not keep as may things as my mama. Note:  My mama still has her bikini she wore when she was in Miss Greer (she won bathing suit competition), she still has her knee high boots from the 60's (which I wish I could wear), a few jump suits, wedding dress (of course), purse she took to her senior prom...just to name a few.  I remember the smell of each item she would pull out as trends circled back around (they ALWAYS do!) and I remember picturing what she must have looked like...

My mama is the reason I love shoes and accessories (wink wink Mama) and I think I may just have to keep a one day my children will remember the smell and picture what I looked like...

BUT...Just in case I do not keep all of my favorites, I think I will post soon about what it is I have and love in my wardrobe today...

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