Sunday, November 22, 2009

Homemade Potpourri

Make use of what you have. Today I made potpourri for the first time. Simple and rewarding. Below you will see what I used from left over breakfast, garden, and unused items in my pantry. Bring the season into your home by creating your personalized potpourri (and aromatherapy).

Bringing in Thanksgiving Potpourri
Orange peels (1 orange)
Grape fruit peels ( 1 half)
4 Cinnamon sticks ( I bought 1/2 lb for $.88)
3 sprigs of French Thyme
3 cups of water

Put ingredients in pot on stove at medium heat. Allow to simmer. Once water reduces, feel free to add more water (or apple cider) to continue enjoyment.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you started a blog. Let me know if you have any questions. Can't wait to see your blog unfold!
